
Art, culture and creativity are important pillars for a sustainable development of the Ruhr region. Therefore, we are addressing you as artists and creatives to actively participate in this development process. With your suggestions and ideas, new spaces and locations for artistic and creative evolvement as well as societal togetherness will come into existence. #heimatruhr is commissioned by the Ministry for Regional Identity, Communities and Local Government, Building and Gender Equality of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia and executed in cooperation by the Institute for Work and Technology and the european centre for creative economy (ecce).




The Ruhr region is home for millions of people. Art and creativity play an important role when it comes to creating places of local identity in the  Ruhr region and constructing spaces. The Ministry for Regional Identity, Communities and Local Government, Building and Gender Equality of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia funds with the project #heimatruhr artists and creatives that develop innovative ideas for more liveability in the Ruhr region and that create places of local identity.




What significance does local identity carry for you? What can real places look like that create identity and facilitate space for art and creativity? The survey is completed since the end of November 2019. At the moment, the results are being evaluated and will be presented during the first #heimatruhr conference in the Spring of 2020.

"The Ruhr region cannot be developed without art, culture and creativity. Therefore, we specifically address artists to participate actively in this process."

Judith Terstriep, PhD,  Head of Project, Institute of Work and Technology

"With the project #heimatruhr, art creates new places of regional identity in the Ruhr region. Through the artistic development of public places and buildings in which creativity can be lived, this new programme allows for places of societal togetherness and the reactivation or creation of encounters between people from different generations, cultures and social backgrounds in the Ruhr region. Spaces are shaped through creativity. For this purpose, the state government provides up to 3 million Euros in funding in the next two years. Artists and creatives are being called on to participate and contribute to the development of the Ruhr region with their ideas."

Ina Scharrenbach, Minister for Regional Identity, Communities and Local Government, Building and Gender Equality of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia

"Regional identity requires creativity, art, culture, ideas and open spaces in order to develop and become potent. Wherever artists and creatives feel at home, an urban future comes into existence and with it a new Ruhr region!"

Prof. Dieter Gorny, Managing Director european centre for creative economy



#heimatruhr Conference

In addition to funding projects, two conferences will take place that are a place for debate on the self-conception of regional identity from an artistic, creative and cultural view point. As a space for the presentation of projects, the conferences also serve as a communication platform where artists and creatives from the Ruhr region can come together, start a dialogue and discuss the strengthening of the Ruhr region as a place to live, manufacture and create.

  • Contact

    Matthias Schliewe

    Project Management

    Phone: +49 (0) 231 222 275 20
    E-Mail: schliewe(at)e-c-c-e.com


    Kathrin Österle

    Project Assistant

    Phone: +49 (0) 231 222 275 70

    E-Mail: oesterle(at)e-c-c-e.com

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