A competence center that makes outstanding design achievements visible in cultural, social and economic importance becomes 41st NICE member
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The Catholic Portuguese University is actively involved in the debate on contemporary artistic themes in Porto with its School of Arts. In 2019 it is our newest, 40th member of the NICE Network!
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TFCC: a globally acting NICE Network Member from the United Kingdom!
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Plovdiv is the first Bulgarian city elected as European Capital of Culture and shares the title under the motto #together with Matera in Italy. Since 1985, the title of European Capital of Culture has been awarded, recognizing European cities that make a special contribution to the diversity and...
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Paolo Montemurro (Project Area Director Materahub) about the Project 'Arts & Humanities Entrepreneurship Hubs'
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Kulturanova: an interesting NICE Network Member from Novi Sad, Serbia!
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Bring together 14 partners from across 7 EU member states to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of A&H students.
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The organisation Kulturanova based in the Serbian Capital of Culture 2021 Novi Sad has already participated at several EU projects. Joining the NICE Network, the centre is reaching out for further partners.
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The Birmingham City University developed with "The Internet of Clothes" a smart system against overconsumption and was nominated for the NICE Award 2016. Project Manager Mark Brill about the idea.
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Another national creative industries association – Creative Estonia – joins the NICE Network.
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Offering a platform for design from Romania – that's what Revista Atelierul from Bucharest is specialized in. The organisation uses an own magazine and exhibitions to achieve this goal. The NICE Network welcomes a new member.
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The project Makeright from London won the second prize of the NICE Award 2017. In the interview, the project responsibles Lorraine Gamman and Adam Thorpe report how they brought Design Thinking into prison.
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TILLT is related to ecce since some years already by being participant of the NICE Jury and speaker at the Forum Europe Ruhr. By being new member of the NICE Network, the relations are now strengthened.
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Flanders offers not only chcolates, fries and waffles but a rich scene for culture and innovation as well. From now on, the Flemish Department for Culture, Youth and Media will be in exchange about it within the NICE Network.
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In 2017, the Armenian Center for Creative Technologies TUMO won a special prize for responsability at the NICE Award for their game "Next Generation: Tales of Neto". In December, the game was officially launched. Project manager Harmick Azarian about the impact of the award and next steps.
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Um wirtschaftlich erfolgreich zu sein, müssen Kreativunternehmen auch internationale Märkte erobern. Daher hat die Kreativwirtschaft Austria erstmalig eine Webinar-Reihe ins Leben gerufen, die Einblicke aus kreativen Hotspots wie Tel Aviv, Kopenhagen oder New York gewährt. Los geht es am 25. Januar...
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In 2017 the Flemish Department for Culture, Youth and Media awarded 45 innovative projects from the region. NICE was at a reunion of all of them to present the European Network for Innovation of the creative economy and the NICE Award.
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The Oberhaus is an artistic approach to upgrade a neglected building and improve the housing situation in the city quarter. The innovators of Kitev explain their idea.
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"Do we know each other?" is an interdisciplinary project to improve the quality of life for and together with people with dementia. Prof. Carolin Schreiber of the Folkwang University of the Arts explains the concept.
NewsNICE AwardNICE Network2017
The EU2016 Arts & Design programme Europe by People looked into contemporary social issues through arts and design, by providing solutions for everyday living and by being a canvas on which creatives and citizens painted a picture of Europe’s future. The organisation Pakhuis de Zwijger explains the...
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