German Conclusion: Cultural and Creative Spillovers In Europe (2017)

Research Case Studies 2016-2017
The European Research Partnership on Cultural and Creative Spillovers in Europe has been initiated by the Arts Council England (ACE) and the european centre for creative economy (ecce) with the aim of better understanding the methodologies that could be used to better measure spillover effects of public investment (public money awarded directly or indirectly by government funded industry bodies) in the arts, culture and the creative industries.
At this moment, the partnership has five funding partner and two non-funding partner attending the steering group as well as a growing number of (research) partners. Find out more about the Partners .
In February, research partners met in Amsterdam to draw up the work plan for 2018, but also to reflect the milestones of recent years. This year, the topics of funding and possible new research topics were put in the spotlight.
At the Partner Meeting in Edinburgh in April 2018, the new Follow-Up Evidence Review was presented by Nicole McNeilly and discussed with the research partners. The aim was to record the status of spillover research in Europe since the first review in 2015 by TFCC and to look at developments since then. The final report is expected to be published in the summer of 2018. The partners also discussed the next steps in 2018, discussed the evolution of the website and possible future target groups of the research network.
The European Research Partnerships on Cultural and Creative Spillover now include a new research report on four different case studies.
December 2017 – European Culture Forum 2017 in MILAN
The research partners welcomed the opportunity to present their latest publication "Research Case Studies 2016-2017" at the European Culture Forum in Milan.
November 2017 – Comparative Summary Published
The report “Research Case Studies 2016-2017” presents the four case studies of the research teams selected from the responses to an open call published by the Research Partnership in April 2016. The partners have compiled summaries of all case studies and drawn the resulting conclusions regarding future projects. The aim of the research collaboration is that other cultural organizations are interested in the work of the case studies, the proven spillover effects and the methods used by the evaluation teams to investigate them.
September 2017 – Partner Meeting in ESSEN
On 6 September 2017, the European Research Partnership met in Essen for another partner meeting. The focus of this event was the completion of the comparative summary and conclusions of the case studies in 2016. Furthermore, the strategies and challenges of the next years were discussed, as well as the option to activate further research partners and thus to exploit further potential.
September 2017 – ENCATC Konferenz 2017 in BRUSSELS
From 27 to 30 September, ecce participated in the 25th ENCATC Conference on Cultural Management and Policy in Brussels. During the conference, scientists, professionals, representatives of various EU institutions, politicians and European and international networks discussed the key role of these and developed new ideas and proposals to ensure their sustainability in a challenging environment.
April 2017 – 2nd ENCATC Group Evaluation in BRUSSELS
On April 24, ENCATC organized the second meeting of its working group "Evaluation of International and European Transnational Cultural Projects" in Brussels. Besides about 25 participants from Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom, ecce was also represented. The topics of this meeting were based on the key question: How do experts evaluate? Furthermore, the Creative Europe Evaluation Report was highlighted.
April 2017 – Final Reports of the 4 Case Studies Published
In April 2017, the final reports of the four case studies were published. We hope that the results of these research projects will eventually lead to a toolkit or consistent approach to better understand and measure the cultural and creative spillover effects of arts, culture and the creative industries in Europe. The final report will provide recommendations on the effectiveness of methodological approaches that can be used in different scenarios for evaluating spillover effects.
Following this, in 2016, the partners published a call for proposals to "Review Innovative Methods for the Evaluation of Cultural and Creative Spillovers in Europe" and entrusted four research teams from Finland, Poland, Italy and the Netherlands with hypotheses around innovative evaluation methods of cultural and creative spillover To develop and review case studies.
The aim of the second stage of the research project is to comment on the effectiveness of the methodological approaches used in various situations in the evaluation of spillover effects and to make recommendations for future methods in investigations of spillover effects. The European Research Partnership hopes that in the long run it will lead to the development of common tools and thus a better understanding of cultural and creative spillover effects in Europe.
December 2016 – Partner Meeting in DUBLIN
In December 2016, the Research Partnership and the four research teams from Finland, Italy, Poland and the Netherlands and met in Dublin to discuss the results of the case studies and to debate the reporting procedure. Subsequently, the research partners continued their meeting without the researchers and analysed strategies for the coming year.
November 2016 – ecce visits Creative Powers in MALMÖ
The cultural and creative industries represent an unbelievable power of innovation, which is why great efforts are being made both in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe to strengthen the cultural and creative industries. However, the organizers of the "Creative Powers" idea initiative are eager to do more and are convinced that you can learn from each other and take further steps together. It aims to strengthen cooperation and promote the process of cultural and creative industries through creative ideas for sustainability. As a conference participant, ecce welcomed the fact that the spillover effects of art, culture and creative industries on society were taken into account in this context.
October 2016 – Spillover Expertise asked for in VALENCIA
These effects are well-known: Former industrial buildings are brought to life with new, often cultural or creative concepts of use and enhance the cityscape. 'Upgrading', however, falls short - creative milieus with their economic, social and cultural spillover effects are germ cells for the entire urban development. At the annual European Network on Cultural Management and Policy (ENCATC) conference in Valencia from 7 to 10 October 2016, Yesim Tonga Uriarte presented one of the four case studies commissioned this year by the European Partnership on Cultural and Creative Spillovers were. The research project examines the broadcasting effects of Lucca Comics & Games, one of the largest comics and gaming festivals in the world. The festival not only influences the labour market and the economy in Lucca, but has helped the city to a whole new image: Was Lucca in the past rather conservative, today it is much more diverse and open and has the city a magnet for the worldwide Comic scene made.
October 2016 – Webinar
In October 2016, the Policy Research Group of the Department of Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada, invited the Research Partnership to report on the results of the Cultural and Creative Spillovers in Europe report in a webinar. Bernd Fesel (ecce) and Lyudmila Petrova (CREARE) discussed in live transmission with the participants of the research network meeting in Québec, Canada.
August 2016 – Workshop in ESSEN
On the eve of the Forum d'Avignon Ruhr 2016, the Research Partnership invited funding and research partners as well as trade visitors and interested observers from all over Europe to a workshop. On the one hand, there was a presentation of the case studies and, on the other hand, after this, a constructive feedback on the evaluation methods. Furthermore, the expansion of the partners and the involvement of cultural institutions in the research project were discussed.
August 2016 – European Partnership on Cultural and Creative Spillovers
In order to provide more information about the European Research Partnership and to provide a better overview of past and current priorities, the partners published a flyer. Within this framework, the partnership also presented its logo for the first time.
June 2016 – ECIS 2016 in BRUSSELS
The European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS) wants to initiate and facilitate a collaboration of the leading drivers for industrial strategies within creative industries on European, national and regional levels. For the first time these leading, yet diverse drivers are invited to exchange know-how and coordinate their policy strategies, which could lead to a major leap in the industrial capacities. A European coordination of national funding policies, e.g. for design or games, could open markets transnationally, extend value chains and increase income for the given sectors - without any additional funding. Thus in times of increasing global challenges, the ECIS is focusing on the industrial and global dimension, the scaling skill within the cultural and creative industries. More information
May 2016 – Presentation at Art Lab MILAN 2016
The Art Lab Milan program included conferences, workshops and networking sessions where businesses, professionals, cultural stakeholders, public institutions and international networks shared ideas on creativity, sustainability and politics for the cultural industry. The discussion, with the participation of international institutions and organizations, is based on the analysis of experiences, ideas and projects in the areas of cultural proposals and the management of cultural resources. In the course of the presentation "Cultural and Creative Spillovers in Europe" Tsveta Andreeva (European Cultural Foundation), Nadine Hanemann (ecce) and Nicole McNeilly (Arts Council England) informed the interested community about the research project together with the four research teams and explained the next project and answered questions on the topic. Presentation
May 2016 – First meeting with Research Partners in MILAN
The first meeting of the Research Partners in 2016 in Milan was under the theme "Testing Innovative Methods for Assessing Cultural and Creative Spillovers in Europe". Initially, organizational issues such as budget planning, communication strategies and task allocation were on the agenda. This was followed by a first meeting with the research partners commissioned in the spring. During this session, the individual teams presented themselves and their projects in more detail and discussed first steps.
April 2016 – DG Meeting in BRUSSELS
Our presentation to the DG research and innovation meeting with the topic of cultural and creative spillovers was welcomed, considering the current focus on innovation at intersection of sectors, open innovation and open governance. We presented our call for a €4m research budget dedicated to spillovers. Our recommendations around the methodological challenges of measuring innovation in cultural and creative spillovers was noted, as was the significance of the role of the EU at national and international levels for ensuring expert and consistent measurement.
April 2016 – European Culture Forum 2016 in BRUSSELS
The European Culture Forum is a biennial flagship event organised by the European Commission, aimed at raising the profile of European cultural cooperation, uniting the sector's key players, taking stock the European Agenda for Culture's implementation, and sparking debate on EU culture policy and initiatives. Bernd Fesel, ecce, presented at a plenary session entitled "Arts meets business and technology". He framed the session’s best practice presentations theoretically – pointing out the first empirically based definition, the gaps in evaluation methods at hand and the need for the European Commission to invest in new research. More information
March 2016 – Foresight Workshop in BRUSSELS
The cultural and creative industries (CCI) operate in a rapidly changing political, economic and technological environment. Such change can create opportunities as well as significant threats to the competitiveness of companies. The challenge for businesses and policymakers is to tap into the full potential of the cultural and creative industries and maximize their benefits to the economy as a whole. Achieving this requires a comprehensive understanding of key drivers of change in this sector. The purpose of this workshop, which was attended by ecce, was to analyse how future technology and innovation trends will affect the development of CCI and their interaction with the wider economy.
March 2016 – Start der neuen Projektphase (OPEN CALL)
In early 2016, the Research Partnership published the call for tenders for this year's study on testing innovative methods for evaluating spillover effects in the arts, culture and creative industries using case studies in Europe. After reviewing all submissions, the research partners commissioned four teams from Finland, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland. The supervision of the teams is done by ecce.
January 2016 – Meeting with the Intergrative Group Culture and Creative Industry in BRUSSELS
Bernd Fesel (ecce) and Dawn Ashman (ACE) presented their research findings on the Cultural and Creative spillover in Europe as drivers for innovation, backed by research from the Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy. In addition, the report "Cultural and Creative Spillovers in Europe: Report on a Preliminary Evidence Review" was discussed and discussed in the form of a webinar organized by the Cultural Research Network.
In 2015, Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy was commissioned to analyze a collection of international evidence literature from approximately 100 case studies provided by partners across Europe and their spillover effects.
The results of this project were published in October 2015 in the report "Cultural and Creative Spillovers in Europe: Report on a preliminary evidence review". It currently includes the research project the most comprehensive database on European projects with spillover effects, the first attempt to investigate the causes of spillover effects and their contributions to the Europe 2020 strategy, as well as the establishment of the first freely available digital research platform for spillover effects.
October 2015 – Publication of the Final Report
In early 2015, the European Research Partnership commissioned TFCC to conduct a methodological review of the report "Cultural and Creative Spillovers in Europe: Report on a Preliminary Evidence Review ". After several months of work, all funding partners of the international research project are proud to present the report and would like to invite you to participate in the conversation about cultural and creative spillovers in Europe. The report highlights cultural and creative spillovers and aims to contribute to the scientific, cultural and political debate that highlights the values of culture and public investment in the arts, culture and creative industries.
September 2015 – Research Workshop in ESSEN
In cooperation with the Forum d’Avignon, founded in 2008 under the EU Presidency, and with support from the Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the european centre for creative economy (ecce) will be organising the fourth edition of their cultural conference. Once again, this international cultural and policy forum will illuminate the importance of cultural and creative industries for the future development of Europe, promote a dialogue with the society and the industry, build bridges, establish networks and thus also strengthen the Ruhr area in Europe. In 2015, the Forum d'Avignon Ruhr focuses on culture and creativity in times of digitalisation. Thus it refers to the future oriented theme of our time, which opens up opportunities but also raises doubts: culture influences key issues in conjunction with the latest technology in all its facets, promotes them and at the same time changes the economy as well as society as a whole. In this year's event we wish to outline this fundamental social change through digitalised cultural and creative industries, reflect, and jointly discuss how culture can especially contribute to shaping digital change with its visionary power. Presentation
July 2015 – Strategy-Meeting in AMSTERDAM
At the end of July 2015, all funding partners of the Preliminary Evidence of Spillover Effects in Europe Research Partnership met in Amsterdam to discuss the results of the report on the cultural and creative spillover effects in Europe. Subsequently, all participants expressed their support for the continuation of the cooperation, which in the future will be branded as a European Research Partnership on Cultural and Creative Spillovers. In this framework, the work plan for the coming year has been developed and different areas of work were defined: in addition to the dissemination of research results and the concomitant support of additional research in the field of spillover effects of culture and creative industries (advocacy), a further focus on the expansion and the intensification of cooperation. It will also work in the longer term to increase support for research by the European Union. Finally, in the future, selected recommendations from the report will be taken up and tested with the help of a case study method of measuring spillover effects and further researched together with research institutes and cultural institutions from Europe - this project is the topic for the next workshop in Essen in September, to discuss possible approaches and challenges.
June 2015 – Projectwebsite IS ONLINE!
In addition, the Wikispace website of the European research partnership on cultural and creative spillovers was presented in order to stay connected with professionals in the fields of culture and creative industries.
June 2015 – ecce in BILBAO
Organised by the University of Deusto in partnership with ENCATC and the World Leisure Organisation this event will explore the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) phenomenon to further debate on the challenges and opportunities they offer, the difficulties involved in their consolidation from an international comparative perspective led by renowned experts. In particular, it will address the progress made in recent years in creating methods and tools aimed at measuring and assessing the social impacts, often unforeseen, of CCIs. The 10th edition of OcioGune is structured around three Ideas Forums that seek to examine the emerging CCI phenomenon from three approaches that will be the main challenges faced by cultural and creative industries in the coming years.
May 2015 – ECIS 2015 in BRUSSELS
At the European Creative Industries Summit 2015 in Brussels leading professionals in the cultural and creative sectors will come together in order to discuss the challenging role of cultural creative entrepreneurs in the 21st century. The expanding conjunction of Cultural Creative Industries with the economy and society has generated spillover effects and brought forth unique projects and innovations. Presentation
April 2015 – Spillover Workshop in DORTMUND
On April 27, 2015 the second meeting of the research partnership "Preliminary Evidence of Spillover Effects in Europe" took place in Dortmund. In this context, TFCC presented the previous results of the research project to the approximately 20 international partners and regional guests and then discussed these with the workshop participants. In addition, future activities of the project cooperation were discussed. The study is expected to be presented to the public in the second half of the year.
February 2015 – "Preliminary Evidence of Spillover"
In early 2015, the research partners of the international research project "Preliminary Evidence of Spillover Effects in Europe", which was launched in 2014, met for the first time. In the form of a workshop, the first research results of the evidence library (collection of approximately 100 documents such as studies, evaluation reports, articles, etc. within Europe) were presented by Tom Fleming Creativity Consultancy (TFCC) and subsequently discussed together. In addition, further projects and the project communication were discussed.